Turck Launches UHF RFID Gate with Direction Detection
Improve inventory tracking and management with a turnkey RFID system
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Turck, a manufacturer of sensors, identification solutions, connectivity and fieldbus technology for factory, logistics and process automation, today announced it has launched its RFID Gate solution. The RFID Gate captures item, box, tote or pallet level data as products or parts pass through the read gate. Direction detection is based on reading a tag in two zones and comparing timestamps, enabling users to determine in-and-out movements.
Once the data is captured, it is stored in a designated server that monitors and controls the RFID readers and read events. The captured data is processed and fed to the customer's application or automation layer for further actions. The Turck RFID Gate is ideal for improving inventory tracking and management, providing more reliable order picking, trailer loading/unloading, ensuring better material flow and more.
This system is comprised of RFID transceivers, antennae, HMI, software/user interface and a frame. The RFID Gate ensures a high level of read accuracy, eliminates stray reads from other boxes or pallets via its proprietary algorithms, and provides direction detection for goods that pass through the gate through a user-friendly software interface. The turnkey RFID Gate is easy to integrate, and customization is possible.
About Turck
Turck is a pioneer in automation technology, providing customers with a comprehensive line of quality and advanced technology products in a fast, flexible and accurate manner. With more than 4,800 people working in 30 countries, Turck has built global partnerships with customers based on engineering expertise, flexibility, and our willingness to take on engineering challenges that others will not. For more information, visit www.turck.us.
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